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<p>As MOS devices are scaled to meet increasingly demanding circuit specifications, process variations have a greater effect on the reliability of circuit performance. For this reason, statistical techniques are required to design integrated circuits with maximum yield. <em>Statistical Modeling for Computer-Aided Design of MOS VLSI Circuits</em> describes a statistical circuit simulation and optimization environment for VLSI circuit designers. The first step toward accomplishing statistical circuit design and optimization is the development of an accurate CAD tool capable of performing statistical simulation. This tool must be based on a statistical model which comprehends the effect of device and circuit characteristics, such as device size, bias, and circuit layout, which are under the control of the circuit designer on the variability of circuit performance. The distinctive feature of the CAD tool described in this book is its ability to accurately model and simulate the effect in both intra- and inter-die process variability on analog/digital circuits, accounting for the effects of the aforementioned device and circuit characteristics. <em>Statistical Modeling for Computer-Aided Design of MOS VLSI Circuits</em> serves as an excellent reference for those working in the field, and may be used as the text for an advanced course on the subject.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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